Join AAUW Harrisburg
AAUW membership is open to graduates who hold the baccalaureate or higher degree from an accredited college or university, to those who hold an associate or equivalent degree, and to students pursuing a degree. We value and seek a diverse membership, with no barriers on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability.
New member dues are $85.00 for the 2010-2011 program year. Portions of your payment go to the AAUW national association ($49), AAUW-PA ($10.00) and the Harrisburg branch ($26.00). Dues assistance is available for those who need it; for information, e-mail
Membership application/renewal form >>
Network, learn, and lead.
Meet and nosh with friends and professional
contacts, and participate in engaging programs. Join a special
interest group to travel, game, or sample cultural events, fine
dining or literature.
Find a fit for your leadership skills on a special project or
the branch board. Attend an event-packed state or national
Make a difference.
Pitch in to help local women earn a college degree and
support community programs.
Support national, state and local efforts to advance equity for women and girls.
Get the word.
Receive more than five branch, state and national print or online
Have a voice.
AAUW’s 100,000-member voice is key on critical women’s and civil rights issues.